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Windows XP または Windows Vista を実行している PC に Windows 10 をインストールする場合、または別の PC に Windows 10 をインストールするためにインストール メディアを作成する必要がある場合は、下の「 このツールを使用して、別の PC に Windows 10 をインストールするためにインストール メディア USB フラッシュ ドライブ、DVD、または ISO ファイル を作成する 」セクションを参照してください。. 注 : Windows 10 をインストールする前に、PC が Windows 10 の システム要件 を満たしていることを確認してください。また、最新のドライバーやハードウェアの互換性に関する追加情報について、PC 製造元の Web サイトを参照することをお勧めします。. ダウンロードしてインストールした後、このツールを使用して、Windows 10 を手順を追って PC にセットアップすることができます。Windows 10 を選択した場合、Enterprise エディション以外のすべての Windows 10 を利用できます。 Enterprise エディションの詳細については、[ ボリューム ライセンス サービス センター ] にアクセスしてください。.

Windows 10 の新しいコピーのインストール、クリーン インストールの実行、Windows 10 の再インストールのために使用できるインストール メディア USB フラッシュ ドライブまたは DVD を作成するには、以下の手順に従います。. Office またはそれ以前のバージョンを使用していて、Windows 10 のクリーン インストールを実行する場合は、Office のプロダクト キーが必要です。プロダクト キーを見つける際のヒントについては、「 Office プロダクト キーを見つける 」または「 Office プログラムのプロダクト キーを入力する 」を参照してください。.

Windows 10 の言語、エディション、アーキテクチャ 64 ビットまたは 32 ビット を選択します。どのエディションの Windows 10 を選択すればよいのかについては、次の表を参照してください。. 注意: Surface デバイス用のドライバーは、「 Surface 用のドライバーとファームウェアをダウンロードする 」ページからダウンロードできる場合があります。. Windows 10 をインストールする前に、作業をすべて保存し、PC をバックアップすることをお勧めします。Windows 10 の ISO ファイルをダウンロードするためにメディア作成ツールを使用した場合は、これらの手順に従う前に、ISO ファイルを DVD に書き込む必要があります。.

PC が USB または DVD メディアに自動的に起動しない場合は、ブート メニューを開くか、PC の BIOS または UEFI 設定でブート順序を変更しなければならない可能性があります。ブート メニューを開くか、ブート順序を変更するには、通常、PC の電源を入れた後、すぐにキー F2、F12、Delete、Esc キーなど を押す必要があります。ブート メニューにアクセスする手順や、PC のブート順序を変更する手順については、PC に付属のマニュアルを確認するか、製造元の Web サイトにアクセスしてください。USB または DVD メディア デバイスがブート オプションに表示されない場合は、BIOS 設定でセキュア ブートを一時的に無効にするための手順について、PC 製造元に問い合わせなければならない可能性があります。. ブート メニューや順序の変更で問題が解決せず、置換する OS に PC が直接ブートする場合は、PC を完全にシャットダウンしなければならない可能性があります。PC を完全にシャットダウンするには、サインイン画面またはスタート メニューで電源ボタンを選択し、[シャットダウン] を選択します。.

Windows 10 の ISO ファイルをダウンロードした場合は、ファイルは選択したローカルの場所に保存されています。コンピューターにインストールされたサードパーティの DVD 書き込みプログラムでインストール DVD を作成する場合は、ファイルを保存した場所に移動して ISO ファイルをダブルクリックするか、ISO ファイルを右クリックして [開く] を選択し、その DVD 書き込みソフトウェアを選択することで、プログラムを開くことができます。. インストール DVD を作成するために Windows Disk Image Burner を使用する場合は、ISO ファイルを保存した場所に移動します。ISO ファイルを右クリックして、 [プロパティ] を選択します。[全般] タブで、 [変更] をクリックし、ISO ファイルを開くために使用するプログラムとしてエクスプローラーを選択した後、 [適用] を選択します。ISO ファイルを右クリックして、 [ディスク イメージの書き込み] を選択します。. ISO ファイルをマウントすることで、DVD や USB フラッシュ ドライブを使用せずに、ISO ファイルから Windows 10 を直接インストールすることもできます。これにより、現在のオペレーティング システムが Windows 10 にアップグレードされます。.

Windows 10 のダウンロード 更新する前に、 Windows リリース情報ステータス にある既知の問題を参照して、使用しているデバイスが影響されないことをご確認ください。. Windows 10 November Update Update Assistant が最新バージョンの Windows 10 へのアップデートをお手伝いします。開始するには、 [今すぐアップデート] をクリックします。 今すぐアップデート プライバシー. PC への Windows 10 のインストールをご希望ですか?

ツールを今すぐダウンロード プライバシー. このツールを使用して、この PC を Windows 10 にアップグレードする クリックして、詳細情報の表示と非表示を切り替えます 次のような場合に、この手順を使用してください。 Windows 10 をインストールするライセンスをお持ちで、Windows 7 または Windows 8. この PC を以前 Windows 10 にアップグレードしたことがあり、再インストールしようとしている場合は、プロダクト キーを入力する必要はありません。Windows 10 は、デジタル ライセンスを使用して、後で自動的にライセンス認証されます。 Windows 10 をインストールする準備ができたら、選択内容とアップグレード中に保持される項目が、確認のために表示されます。 [個人用ファイルとアプリを引き継ぐ] 、 [個人用ファイルのみを引き継ぐ] 、 [なし] の設定を変更するには、 [引き継ぐものを変更] を選択します。 作業内容を保存し、開いているアプリやファイルを閉じます。準備ができたら、 [インストール] を選択します。 Windows 10 のインストールにはしばらく時間がかかり、PC が数回再起動する場合があります。 PC の電源を切らないでください。.

作成したインストール メディアを使用する クリックして、詳細情報の表示と非表示を切り替えます Windows 10 をインストールする前に、作業をすべて保存し、PC をバックアップすることをお勧めします。Windows 10 の ISO ファイルをダウンロードするためにメディア作成ツールを使用した場合は、これらの手順に従う前に、ISO ファイルを DVD に書き込む必要があります。 Windows 10 をインストールする PC に、USB フラッシュ ドライブまたは DVD を挿入します。 PC を再起動します。 PC が USB または DVD メディアに自動的に起動しない場合は、ブート メニューを開くか、PC の BIOS または UEFI 設定でブート順序を変更しなければならない可能性があります。ブート メニューを開くか、ブート順序を変更するには、通常、PC の電源を入れた後、すぐにキー F2、F12、Delete、Esc キーなど を押す必要があります。ブート メニューにアクセスする手順や、PC のブート順序を変更する手順については、PC に付属のマニュアルを確認するか、製造元の Web サイトにアクセスしてください。USB または DVD メディア デバイスがブート オプションに表示されない場合は、BIOS 設定でセキュア ブートを一時的に無効にするための手順について、PC 製造元に問い合わせなければならない可能性があります。 ブート メニューや順序の変更で問題が解決せず、置換する OS に PC が直接ブートする場合は、PC を完全にシャットダウンしなければならない可能性があります。PC を完全にシャットダウンするには、サインイン画面またはスタート メニューで電源ボタンを選択し、[シャットダウン] を選択します。 [Windows のインストール] ページで、言語、時刻、キーボードを設定し、 [次へ] を選択します。 [Windows のインストール] を選択します。.

Windows 10 の ISO ファイルをダウンロードした場合は、ファイルは選択したローカルの場所に保存されています。コンピューターにインストールされたサードパーティの DVD 書き込みプログラムでインストール DVD を作成する場合は、ファイルを保存した場所に移動して ISO ファイルをダブルクリックするか、ISO ファイルを右クリックして [開く] を選択し、その DVD 書き込みソフトウェアを選択することで、プログラムを開くことができます。 インストール DVD を作成するために Windows Disk Image Burner を使用する場合は、ISO ファイルを保存した場所に移動します。ISO ファイルを右クリックして、 [プロパティ] を選択します。[全般] タブで、 [変更] をクリックし、ISO ファイルを開くために使用するプログラムとしてエクスプローラーを選択した後、 [適用] を選択します。ISO ファイルを右クリックして、 [ディスク イメージの書き込み] を選択します。 ISO ファイルをマウントすることで、DVD や USB フラッシュ ドライブを使用せずに、ISO ファイルから Windows 10 を直接インストールすることもできます。これにより、現在のオペレーティング システムが Windows 10 にアップグレードされます。 ISO ファイルをマウントする方法: ISO ファイルを保存した場所に移動した後、ISO ファイルを右クリックして [プロパティ] を選択します。 [全般] タブで [変更…] をクリックし、ISO ファイルを開くために使用するプログラムとしてエクスプローラーを選択した後、 [適用] を選択します。 ISO ファイルを右クリックして、 [マウント] を選択します。 ISO ファイルをダブルクリックして、中のファイルを表示します。 setup.

exe をダブルクリックして、Windows 10 セットアップを起動します。. Enterprise エディションをダウンロードするには、 ボリューム ライセンス サービス センター にサインインしてください。. MSDN ダウンロードを使用するには、 MSDN Portal でサブスクリプションにサインインしてください。. Insider Preview ビルドをダウンロードするには、 Windows Insider サイト にアクセスしてください。. Education エディションを使用するには、 「教育機関向け製品のダウンロード」ページ にアクセスしてください プロダクト キーが必要です 。. ご意見、ご感想をお寄せください オプションをお選びください。. Click Run to start the installation immediately. Download microsoft office full version for windows 7 64 bit 無料ダウンロード. Free Download Microsoft Office bit for Windows and Mac – Latest – EuroDownload.

When the setup has got downloaded double click on the setup to run the Office 15 installer. Office is well suited for x86 and x64 systems and requires Windows 7, Windows Server R2 or the later version of either. A version of Office comes included on Windows RT devices. Development of this version of Microsoft Office was only available in and concluded on Oct 11, , when Microsoft Office premiered to processing. Microsoft released Office to regular supply on 29 January This version includes new features such as integration support for online services including SkyDrive, Hotmail, Skype, Yammer, and Flickr , increased format support for Office Start XML OOXML , OpenDocument ODF and Lightweight File Formats PDF and support for multi-touch interfaces.

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当方が調べ直したところnはDDR PC SO-DIMM と言う規格でした! ろくに調べもせずネットのブログを鵜呑みにして泥沼にハマってしまいましたw メモリーを取り寄せてまたチャレンジしたいと思います! ThanksImg 質問者からのお礼コメント. その他の回答(4件) ナイスの多い順 新しい順 古い順. インストールが失敗するとき 最初に疑うのはメモリかな 経験上一番可能性が高いです 2枚さしてたら1枚に減らしてみる、 古いのがあればそれにしてみる 2枚の場合は それぞれ交互に試す メモリは比較的簡単に増設できますが、結構規格の違うの混在させたり DDR3LとDDR3の違いとかで普通につかうだけなら何とか動くけど インストールなどのメモリの負荷のたかいことやると落ちるなんてことが 多発します。. メモリーを交互に挿して見ましたがインストールの画面に進まず再起動のループにハマります。 メインPCのeが何故か同じ規格のメモリーだったのでPC3LS ですが、最初につけていたメモリーはサムスンのメモリーで同じ物を2枚挿しで、eのメモリーを挿して見ましたが結果は同じで、 逆にeにサムスンのメモリーを挿してWINDOWSのメモリー診断ツールで動作確認をしましたが問題は有りませんでした!

まずは元のメモリーとHDDに戻してから試してみてください。 それで成功したらメモリーかSSDの問題。. 勉強のために買ったのですがハードルが高いですねw メモリーはメインPCのDELL eにつけてWINDOWSのメモリー診断ツールで動作確認しましたが問題は有りません! BF3のBETA版 PC版 をやろうとしたら表示が出てきてプレイできません>< どうしたらいいのでしょう? Failed creating D3D device of at least version Error is DX DELLのノートパソコン、inspiron n、CPU 第一世代core i5を所有しております。 このパソコンに同じく第一世代core i7を換装することは出来るのでしょうか? 分解の知識はあります。 試された方や、知識のあります方、ご指導を賜れますでしょうか?.

DELL Inspiron 15N で既にWin7からwindows10にVerUPされたノートPCをSSDにeaseUS todo backupでクローンを作成し、 置き換えましたが動作しません。 F1を押すとReboot and selectproper boot device or insert boot media in serected boot deviced adn Windows10アップグレードでパソコンが壊れました。 パソコンは DELL INSPIRON 型番N(DELLのホームページではWindows10の動作 確認がされていない機種でした。) アップグレードされた日は年5月18日 家内が使用中に突然アップグレードが動き出し、途中に応答(承認)要求がなく 終了し、終了後にメッセージなしのフ Windows7がもうすぐ、終了するので10みアップデートしようと思うのですが、5,6年前のパソコンなので、動くかどうか心配です。 当方のパソコンはDELLのN、64BitでCPUはPentium R 2GHzでメインメモリは2GBです。ご意見をお聞かせ願います。.

windows11とは何ですか。 windows10があれば半永久的にアップグレードされるのではなかったのですか。. デスクトップパソコンを使っていますが モニターの鮮明度はどのくらいあるのか 確認したいのですがモニターの設定画面を見れば分かりますか? ウィンドウズ10をインストールした際、外付け のハードデスクに回復のドライブが作られ、今までのデータが 見えなくなってしまいました。復元することはできますか すいませんが、分かる方おしえてください。.

Windows10で容量を軽くするため、ダウンロード先を別ドライブに変更したのですが、その時にデータを移すかと聞かれ、移したのですが元の所にもデータが残ってます。 元の場所のデータは消去してもいいのでしょうか? なにか不具合が起こるものなのでしょうか? パソコンについて。 Windows10はいつまで使えますか?. Windows 10に入っている Office は 年から使えなくなりますか. グラボ(gtx)が認識されません。 PC起動時数秒間はグラボのファンが回り、白い明かりはついたままになりますが、PCが認識してくれません。 その時、映像もマザボからしか出力されていません。 ドライバーをインストールしようにもWindowsバージョンが合わないのとハードウェア認識されてないというエラーが出てきます。 助けてください。.

パソコンのパーツについて質問です。 自作pcを組むときどのパーツから探すのがおすすめですか? 教えてください。. Cubase AIをWindows10のPCにインストールしました。 新しいプロジェクトを開いて付属のサンプルオーディオファイルを鳴らしてみましたが、PCにヘッドフォンを接続して聴こうと試みましたがヘッドフォンから音が聴こえずにPC本体のスピーカーから音が出ます。 itunesとか他のソフトはヘッドフォンで聴くことができますが、Cubaseだけ聴くことができません。 なにか設定が悪いのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。尚、windowsのオーディオデバイス設定は出力先はヘッドフォンに設定してあります。.

パソコンのcpuについて質問です。 Intelと AMDだったらAMDの方がコスパがいいと思うのですが、 Intelを選ぶメリットなどはあるのですか?例えば同じコアでも性能がいいとか、 教えてください。. DELL INSPIRON N Windows7 64bitを使用しています。 Windows10アップグレードしましたら、bluetoothが デバイスマネージャーに表示されてなく認識されていません。 でもbluetoothのマウスはスクロールが出来ませんが動作しています。 BIOSでは、bluetoothを認識しています。 どうしたら、Windows10でbluetooth pc メモリ増設について pc 型番 vnnsb-ksというもう8年くらい前の機種で、メモリを増設したいのですが、説明書によると pc-ac-meC という型番のものが推奨らしく、これ以外はこのパソコンで動作しない可能性があるらしいです。 これはもう販売してる様子もなく、何か他のもので代用したいのですが、このPCで使えるのかどうかどこを見て判断すれば良いのでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。.

画面の自動回転ができなくなりました。 機種はLenovo Yoga、OSはwindows11です。OSは2か月ほど前に変更しました。本日、OS変更後に画面回転がしないことに気が付きました。 行ったこと: 1. デバイスマネージャーで確認したところ、加速度センサーのドライバー BMA2x2 BMAE BMA BMAE BMA Accelerometer でエラーが発生していました エラーコード10 。SensorExplorerにてセンサーの信号を確認したところ、センサーが認識されていませんでした。ドライバーはすでに最新のものでした。また、「ドライバーをもとに戻す」は選択不可能でした。そこで(このデバイスのドライバーを削除しようとしました。のチェックを入れずに)アンインストールを選択して再起動を行いました。しかし治りませんでした。 2.

次に、(このデバイスのドライバーを削除しようとしました。のチェックを入れて)アンインストールを選択して再起動を行いました。その結果、BMA2x2 BMAE BMA BMAE BMA Accelerometerが消去され、その替わりにHID センサーコレクション V2というドライバーがインストールされていました。SensorExplorerにてセンサーの信号を確認したところ、今度はセンサーが認識されており、信号を確認することができました。しかし、画面ロックは以前グレーアウトしており、自動回転しませんでした。 3.

次に、OSをクリーンインストールしました。しかし治りませんでした。 4. Lenovoのカスタマーセンターにチャットにて問い合わせ。しかし、同様の症状の問い合わせは今までになく、解決しませんでした。 他に何か策はないでしょうか?また、ほかの機種で同じような問題が起こったことがあった場合、その時の解決方法を教えてもらえると幸いです。. みなさんのお力を貸してください。 うちの会社からお客様にパソコンを貸し出ししてます。 お客様にはそのパソコンで作業をしてもらってます。 ただ、最近動作が重くて全然使えないと問い合わせをいただきます。。 Windows update自動更新停止、スタートアップの無効や、いらないファイルやフォルダを削除したりしてます。 それでも、重すぎると問い合わせを受け、どうにかしてくれと来ています。。 うちの会社はITに詳しい人がおらず、自分が1番詳しいと言われて、この調査を任されてます。 買い換えるのが1番早いんですけど、お金の面もあり、それはできません。 何か方法ありますでしょうか? 正直スペックはひどいと思ってます。 【DELL】 【ノートパソコン】 【Windows10 home】 【メモリ 8GB】 【容量 GB】 SSDはつけてません。。 これぐらいで情報足りますでしょうか?.

ノート型パソコンの選び方についてアドバイスくださいっ。 ・持ち運びしない ・ズームする(DMM英会話したい) ・ワード使いたい 価格重視で、お願いします >人<;. 自作pcに入れる用のwindows10 HomeのインストールUSBを作りました。しかし私が購入したプロダクトキーはwindows10 proです。この場合プロダクトキーは正常に使えますか?.

ラディトゥードDELLのEメモリ4Gをつかっています。コアi5です。 Windows10の無償アプデは終わりましたが、 障害者向けのアプデは可能の様です。 そこで、このままWindows7で20年まで使うか、障害向けのアプデをやるか迷ってます。 何か助言をお願いします. win10です。 イベントログを自動的に記録しないようにする方法はありますか?. パソコンを起動する際に一瞬だけディスプレイが縞模様になります。 故障でしょうか? 他にもイラストレーターだけ何故かとても重く、途中でエラーが出てアプリが終了したりします。 それ以外は起動も早く特に問題はありません。 ・FUJITSUのノートパソコン ・購入して3年目 ・使用頻度はほぼ毎日10時間ほど ・Windows10 ・マカフィーセキュリティ使用 有料のセキュリティを使っているのでウイルスではないと思いますが、ディスプレイもしくはHDDの故障でしょうか。 修理に出した方が良いですか?.

マイクロソフトのOnedriveには、Googleの検索履歴等を同期、バックアップする機能はありますか? また、パソコン上でゴミ箱に入れているデータも自動で同期されますか?. Windows11になって2ヶ月が経ちますが、問題なく使えておりますか。 非適応のWindows10を11にアップグレードしましたが(CPUのみ非適合) 10の時より調子が良いですが、何か問題等はありましたか。.

この背景の画像は何てファイルに入っているんですか? また削除の方法を教えて下さい. All three just net me a screen with the Windows logo in the middle. Step Unfortunately I have been stuck in this window for 5 minutes picture I couldn’t select anything or something. I ONLY SEE THE USB STICK WITH A RED RIMED AVER NIX OTHER. Did you select the correct entry in the boot menu?

There should be 2, 1x only the name of the stick and 1x the name of the stick plus the word “UEFI” in front of it. Select the entry with UEFI. The SSD should be listed under Storage or Hardware in the UEFI. My USB stick shrunk from GB to 32GB after I installed a Windows 10 installation medium on it Media Creation Tool. How can I undo this? Pissing me off right now. I am grateful for any help! Is this stick already bootable? Are drivers and updates already available? Hey, I wanted to download Windows 10 64 bit via the Media Creation Tool, everything worked out too, but I also made my USB stick bootable but when I go to the BIOS and want to boot from the USB stick, it is not displayed there any tips?

I plan to install the W10 on my new computer and got the Media Creation Tool for it, which I installed on an external hard drive because my normal USB stick was not big enough for it.

Now ONLY the data for the W10 boot are on the hard disk. All of my other data is gone. That was over gb. In general, it is now displayed that the hard disk only has 32GB and 4 of them are occupied. Has the hard drive become a USB stick or something? And have all my data been deleted now? How can this all be undone?? My USB stick is already bootable I created it using the Windows Media creation tool I have already formatted my hard drive and I’m currently in cmd. Which command do I have to enter so that the USB stick is booted and I can reinstall Windows?

In the drawings, like reference numbers indicate identical or functionally similar elements. Such an integrated set of web-based applications provides valuable tools for customers to manage their business data assets quickly and securely from anywhere in the world. Each of these general component areas will be generally described herein below. 図1は、本発明が機能するソフトウェアアーキテクチャ構成要素の図式の実例 である。ソフトウェアサービスの第1の、つまりクライアント層10は、カスタ マワークステーション10に常駐し、フロントエンドビジネス論理に向けられて いる1つまたは複数のダウンロード可能なアプリケーション、セッションを管理 するための1つまたは複数のバックプレーンサービスオブジェクト、カスタマオ プションおよびカスタマによって要求されたデータの、ブラウザが認識可能なフ ォーマットでのプレゼンテーションのための1つまたは複数のプレゼンテーショ ンサービスオブジェクト、およびカスタマオプションとデータのカスタマに対す るプレゼンテーション、および公開インターネット上での通信のためのカスタマ によって供給されているブラウザを有する、企業システムにオブジェクトカスタ マアクセスを提供する。追加アプリケーションは、テーブルとチャートという形 式でのデータのプレゼンテーションなどのフロントエンドサービス、および複数 のプログラムが統一されたアプリケーションセットで結合されるような方法での 並べ替えと要約などのデータ処理機能を目的にしている。 FIG.

The first or client tier 10 of software services resides on a customer workstation 10 and is one or more downloadable applications directed to front-end business logic, one or more for managing sessions. Backplane service objects, one or more presentation service objects for the presentation of customer options and data requested by the customer in a browser-recognizable format, and the presentation and disclosure of customer options and data to the customer.

It provides object customer access to enterprise systems that have a browser provided by the customer for communication over the Internet.

Additional applications are intended for front-end services such as presentation of data in the form of tables and charts, and data processing functions such as sorting and summarizing in such a way that multiple programs are combined in a unified set of applications.

I have to. Have a second, That is, the intermediate layer 16 is provided. That is, the back-end layer Includes client software that can be provided. More specifically, Java that contains the applet classes for which client layer software has been created.

Distributed as a set of a-classes, it provides an object-oriented environment on the Internet, which is an industrial strength. The application-specific classes are designed to support each application’s functionality and server interface with the functionality being delivered through two types of systems: That is, 1 For example, mutual products such as inbox and reporting function cross- 2 Product designation such as online invoice display function.

The system can deliver the appropriate functionality to the customer for the product mix. Its functions include providing a user interface to various data management services and supporting communication with the corporate web server cluster The client tier software is responsible for presentation services to customers and typically includes a web browser 14 and additional object oriented programs resident on the customer workstation platform Client software is typically organized into a one component architecture, where each component typically contains a specialized application and provides an area of functionality.

Applications are typically integrated using a “backplane” service layer 12 that provides a set of services to application objects that provide the front end business logic. The backplane service layer 12 also manages the sending of application objects. The common set of objects provides each of the applications with a set of services.

The set of services includes: 1 Session management, 2 Application transmission, 3 Application intercommunication, 4 Window navigation between applications, 5 Log management, and 6 Version management.

It will communicate data by establishing a secure TCP messaging session. The DMZ web server 24 functions to decrypt the client message, unwrap the session key, and validate the user session, preferably via an SSL implementation. After verifying that the request came from a valid user and mapping the request to its associated session, the DMZ web server 24 re-encrypts the request using symmetric encryption, which sends it to the second socket connection Forwarding to the dispatch server 26 inside the corporate intranet, as described in more detail below, the customer session is logged on, Use of server resources is indicated by subsequent successful authentication and logoff.

is there. The system of the present invention uses an HTT such as S-HTTP or HTTPS. It is implemented in a secure version of P and preferably leverages the SSL implementation of HTTPS. The preferred embodiment uses SSL to provide cipher spec messages that provide server authentication during the session.

The preferred embodiment further initiates the specified HTTPS request by a “cookie jar server” 28 to create a “cookie”, which is a unique server-created key sent to the client with each response to the HTTPS request.

Associate with the logical session being tracked. The client keeps the cookie and each subsequent H Return it to the server as part of the TTP request. As desired, any of the web server 24, cookie jar server 28, or dispatch server 26 Maintain a “cookie jar” and map these keys to the relevant sessions.

A separate cookie jar server 28 as shown in FIG. This form of session management also serves as an authentication for each HTTPS request, adding an additional level of security to the overall process. Sockets 22, 2 while waiting for proxy response All three of 3, 27 block on reception. In particular, once the message has been decrypted, the wrapper is examined to reveal the user and target middle tier Intranet application services for the request.

The first level of validation is performed to ensure that the user is entitled to communicate with the desired service. The user’s rights in this regard are fetched by the dispatch server 26 from the order entry OE server 49, which is a server component of the present invention, at logon and cache.

Each application proxy is an application-specific daemon that resides on a special intranet server shown in FIG. Each intranet application server in set 30 is typically responsible for providing the special backend services required by the client, as well as other intranet applications by communicating with special proxies associated with the other application servers.

You can request services from the server. Thus, an application server may not only provide its browser client to the server interface through a proxy, but may also provide all its services from that proxy to other application servers. In effect, the application server requesting the service acts as a client to the application server providing the service.

Such a mechanism not only reduces the number of interfaces, but also increases overall system security. Inbox proxy for inbox application server 31 acting as a container for data, report manager proxy capable of communicating with system-specified report manager server 32 for customized report creation, management, and receipt , Is a report scheduler proxy for performing customized report scheduling and requests.

For example, the service query server 36 includes communication with an enterprise customer service management legacy platform 40 a. Such network management and customer network data is also accessible by authorized management personnel. As shown in FIG. It is understood that the illustrated legacy platforms 40 a , d are exemplary only, and that other legacy platforms may be interpreted through the intermediate mid-size server 30 into the network architecture shown in FIG.

The associated proxy waits for requests from application clients running on the customer’s workstation 10 and then either handles them internally or forwards them to its associated intranet application server Provide services to. The proxy also receives the appropriate response from the intranet application server The data returned from the intranet application server 30 is converted back to client format and returned to the client workstation 10 via the dispatch server 26 and over the Internet in a secure socket connection with one of the web servers in the DMZ service cluster Be done.

When the resulting response header and subsequent application-specified data is sent back from the proxy to the client browser, the message will be cascaded to browser 14 in real time, limited only by the transmission delay rate of the network.

That is, 1 synchronous, 2 asynchronous, and 3 bulk transfer. Synchronous transactions are used in situations where data will be returned quickly by the application server Therefore, a single TCP connection will be made and will remain open until the complete response is retrieved. Specifically, the proxy is SS It will accept the request from the customer or client 10 over the L connection and then respond to the client 10 with the unique identifier and close the socket connection.

The client 10 may then periodically and repeatedly poll until the response is ready. Each poll occurs on a new socket connection to the proxy, and the proxy will either respond with the resulting data or reply that the request is still in progress. This reduces the number of resources that exhaust TCP connections that are open at any given time, allowing the user to close their browser, disconnect the modem and return later to check for results. Bulk transfers allow cancellation during a transfer, allowing the programmer to code a restart of the transfer at a later point.

All DMZ devices are physically isolated from the corporate Intranet and have firewalls fi as shown in FIGS. Similarly, the DMZ device is also provided with a firewall, It is hidden from hostile attacks from the public Internet, except for limited web browser access to web servers located within the MZ. The customer’s web browser connects to a web server in the DMZ, which in turn connects to the dispatch server 26, which acts as a proxy to extract and select information from the mid-sized server The user must not connect directly to any corporate server within the corporate intranet, thus ensuring the security and integrity of the internal corporate system.

The web server only transforms the data into a format suitable for display by the customer’s web browser. Since the DMZ web server 24 does not store customer data, it is much less likely that customer information will be compromised in the event of a security breach.

Client Browser Application As mentioned above, one component of the system of the present invention is the client tier software component that is integrated into each of the data management services available to the user and provides a unified interface.

An “application backplane” 12, which is a single object capable of tracking all client applications that have been implemented as derived from the et class and starting, stopping, and providing references to any of these client applications. To be realized. Application backplane 1 2 is typically implemented as a Java applet and is dispatched when a web page is retrieved via a URL pointing to a corporate website. The client application typically includes a graphic user interface program that allows a user to interact with one or more web-enabled remote services.

Although the backplane is launched with the browser 14, client applications typically present their user interfaces in a separate frame, rather than presenting them inside a web page. These classes are COBackPlane class, COApp class, COAppImp Includes the l class, the COParm class, and the COAppFrame class.

C The OBackPlane 12 is an application backplane that sends out the applications 54a and 54b, which are typically realized as COApps. COBackplane12 is usually implemented as a Java applet, It is transmitted by the web browser This backplane applet is C Responsible for sending and closing OApps. In the init method, the backplane applet is COUse r Get the user context object.

The COUSer object is Holds information such as user profiles, applications and their rights. User configurations and application rights provided in the COUSer context are used to build application toolbar and inbox applications.

When the application toolbar icon is clicked, the particular COApp is dispatched by the launchApp method. The submitted application may then use the backplane for inter-application communication, including retrieval of inbox data. For example, the COBackPlane class will return a reference to an application object by name getApp. Provide a method. Once retrieved in this way, the application object’s public interface may be used directly.

Applications such as trouble ticket issuer 54a or online invoice 54b typically use a startup code and an application-to-application interface as a COA. It has in the class that realizes pp. In general, two classes are available to the application, COAppImpl or COApplet.

Alternatively, they may provide their own implementation of the interface. In the preferred embodiment, the application is typically a COAppIm.

Expand pl. From Applet, Java. Not derived from Panel. By not deriving from Applet, the application It may be dispatched at any time without the browser having to point to a particular page, relieving the application from running in a browser frame. COAppIm Classes derived from pl are created, dispatched, stopped, and destroyed by COBackPlane This provides a tight and controlled integration of the inventive system. Extensions from applets are provided to applications that require more isolation from the integrated system of the present invention or that require a separate browser-based display space.

The COApplet class implements most of the COApp interface by transferring it to the contained COAppImpl object. The COAppFrames 56a, 56b are separate windows from the web browser In general, COAppFrames 56a, 56b have menus, toolbars, and status bars. COAppFrame att The achToViewArea method is the COView object 60a.

The COView class is Java. It is an extension of Panel. It provides a universal display space and container for the visual display of applications. The application class is typically COView Extend the w class and implement its presentation logic. COApp may use nothing or one or many COAppFrames 56a, 56b May be used. The COApp interface may be used, for example, to pass messages between applications, a public void process.

Provides a public method for passing a COParm message object such as Message COParm message. The COParm class contains a set of name-value pairs used to present information or requests. enterpr ise. Start by entering a company-wide resource locator URL such as com. After the connection is successful, the SSL handshake protocol may be initiated at this point as shown in step As described in detail herein, when an SSL client and server first initiate communication, they agree on a protocol version, select a cryptographic algorithm, and authenticate the server or, if necessary, authenticate each other.

And use public key cryptography to create a shared secret. Present a web page with name and password input fields for The user is then prompted to enter the name and password on the web page. If it is determined that the software file containing the class for starting the session has already been downloaded, eg from a past session, steps 62, 64, 66 are omitted. User step 7 Once properly authenticated by the server at 6, another web page with the backplane object is downloaded at steps 78, 80, This page is referred to as the home page.

At the same time, all application software objects are downloaded at step If the system of the present invention determines that the backplane and application files have already been downloaded, then steps 80, 82 and 84 are not performed. The backplane object is then instantiated in step Rights represent special services that users have priority to subscribe to and access. It also describes what rights a user may have within any single service.

For example, from the COUSer context, the backplane can get a list of applications that the user is entitled to access. In addition, each COApp is a COAppEntitymen Hold the set of rights within the application in the ts object. I know what to offer. The backplane stores user-specified rights in memory for access by other processes.

Step 90 after determining the rights Then the backplane launches a new thread to start the application toolbar. The application toolbar contains remote services that the user may choose to subscribe to and run. From the application toolbar, the user can select a service to run. When the user selects The selections are communicated to the backplane in steps 92 and 94 from the application toolbar which subsequently issues the graphical user interface program associated with the selected service.

The application toolbar remains on the user display after a particular service is launched. This is useful because if the user wants to launch another remote service directly from another remote service that was running a past service, then the user does not have to search the home page. If the user’s attempted logon count is greater than the predetermined number of allowed attempts, as shown in step 98, then a message is communicated to the user in step and the user must restart the browser.

If it is determined that the user password has expired, the user is prompted to change the password at step For example, a user may choose 3 for security reasons. You may be required to change your password every 0 days. Each time a user changes their password, a new password is transmitted in real time to the server responsible for updating and maintaining the password entry for the user.

The user then enters a new password in step and continues the process previously described in step The home page is searched after the user has been properly authenticated via the logon page. The home page 79 is downloaded after authentication via the logon page and provides, for example, a set 95 of data management and reporting applications.

Homepage 7 An application toolbar 71 is also provided that differs from the icon 95 in that it remains on the application toolbar screen even though 9 is no longer displayed. The home page also typically includes HTML links to other services These services may be the new information center, feature advantage, or system support center of the present invention.

Backplane Logic FIG. The user first selects an application in step COBac if the selected application is derived from COAppImpl The kPlane object 12 instantiates the desired application object by name.

The COBackPlane12 is the CO in step It also creates a COAppStartThread object to manage the launch of AppImpl. Each COAppImpl is launched in its own thread. COAppStartThread is the init of COAppImpl. Call the method. Here COAppImpl typically creates the application-specific classes it needs, including COAppFrame or its derived classes if desired.

COAppStartThr The ead calls the start method of COApp. Once star When the t method completes, COAppStartThread ends. When pulled from the Applet, a new browser window is created and directed to the HTML page from which the applet is loaded. This causes the browser to load the applet and call its init and start methods.

In its init method, the applet is a COBackPlan Obtain a reference to the backplane by calling the static method of the e-class getBackPlane. Also, in its init method, the applet is in the backplane and the backplane’s registerApp Notify that it has been dispatched by calling the method. Alternatively, if the desired application is an application that requires URL submission directly from the home page, as shown at step , then the desired application is the application’s as shown at step Called by retrieving a web page with a URL.

If the application wants to perform some additional authentication, they are free to search for the COUser object and not have to bother the user to re-enter their username and password. Can perform whatever special authentication you require.

During the processing of each application-specified function, the application obtains a reference to the application or backplane and calls public interfaces or methods on the reference to They can communicate with each other, not just the backplane. Then CO App requests termination from CoBackPlane.

COBackPlan if the selected application is derived from COAppImpl e creates COAppStopThread to manage the termination of COApp. As with startup, each COApp is stopped in its own thread. COAppStopThread calls the stop method of COApp.

COApp will not typically override this method. It is called for consistency with the COApp class applet interface. The applet’s stop method is called by the web browser when the web browser leaves a page from which the applet was loaded, such as to allow the applet to stop the animation.

For consistency with this model, COApps may use this method to kill long-running threads. COAppStartThread is COApp’s destr Call the oy method. Here, COApp is typically the di for any thread stop and any COAppFrame objects.

Perform resource cleanup routines, including calls to the spose method. When pulled from the Applet, the web browser window containing the page from which the applet was dispatched is closed. This causes the stop method of the applet to be called by the web browser. In its stop method, the applet is in the backplane, which is the backplane deregisterA Notify that it was stopped by calling the pp method.

When such a request is received, the backplane sends a logoff transaction to the web server. The backplane closes the toolbar, Instruct the web browser to log on the URL.

Then the backplane ends. For example, if the help hypertext is selected from the application toolbar in step , the help URL is dispatched in a new browser window in step Similarly, when the customer support hypertext is selected in step , the customer support URL is set in step 12 At 8 it is sent out in a new browser window. If the user selects the promotion hypertext in step , the URL of the new product information will be sent in a new browser window in step If the product overview hypertext is selected in step , the URL for the product feature will be sent in a new browser window in step If the user selects home in step , the home page will be redisplayed in step User The invention also includes a user device for representing the user of the current session.

The user equipment is typically a Java. It is implemented as a COUSer class that extends Objekt. The COUSer class object holds information including user profiles, applications, and their rights. To minimize network traffic, the amount of data propagated by the COUSer is initially minimal and is populated as the request is processed.

Requests are typically processed by retrieving information from the OE service. The profile information is then stored and, when such information is requested again, it is generated in the COUSer object. The session object is contained within the backplane that manages the session throughout its life. The following code shows how this happens. getUser ; The logon method of the COClientSession object communicates with the OE server FIG. Apps Best Apps Payment Services. What We Like. What We Frde Like.

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SecurityProtocol プロパティに明示的にプロトコル バージョンを指定している場合には、当プロパティに指定したプロトコル バージョンが利用されます。 下表は当プロパティに TLS 1. アプリケーションがターゲットしているバージョン クライアント環境 3. SecurityProtocol プロパティに明示的に指定していない場合の各 OS ごとの対応表は下記のとおりです。. Windows Server アプリケーションがターゲットしているバージョン クライアント環境 3. Windows 10 v LTSC アプリケーションがターゲットしているバージョン クライアント環境 3. Windows 10 v アプリケーションがターゲットしているバージョン クライアント環境 3. What Differentiation Can Technology and AI Create in the Sports Industry? Data, when harnessed strategically with the help of intelligent technologies such as machine learning and predictive analytics, can help teams, leagues and governing bodies transform their sports through better insights and decision-making in three critical areas of the business, namely: Fan engagement and management.

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your pasta your past , but. Top dictionary queries. your past coming back. Notice This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the cookie policy. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. Opt-Out of the sale of personal information We won’t sell your personal information to inform the ads you see.

You may still see interest-based ads if your information is sold by other companies or was sold previously. Opt-Out Dismiss. Toolbar has buttons that also perform various OE functions. Typically, the user list is presented within the main window , or displayed as a tree Which is a Help menu option to be sent at OE help text.

Toolbar Also includes options for company selection, refresh, full scale, full scale, print, and help. This object contains the user id and the default company for that user. A main window with menu options and toolbar is then presented. The OE client application then sends a transaction message “Get OE security”, which includes the user id, company id, and OE application code in the message.

The OE server 39 returns a racf id and an access level indicating whether the user is, for example, an external administrator admin , a member of an account team, an in-house administrator, or a customer support administrator. If the user sending the OE application is an external administrator, Since the external administrator only needs to display one company, the user list is displayed immediately. In the case of an external administrator, the company name is retrieved from the OE server 39 by sending and receiving a “get user company list” transaction request and response.

When the user selects the company to display, The “get user list” transaction message with the company id is Sent to the OE server 39 to retrieve a list of user ids, a list of applications for each user, an access type for each application, and a report type for WRS. The client application also sends a “get application list” transaction message from the OE server 39 to retrieve the list, description and application array location of the application code.

The user list is then displayed in the main window, as shown at This node orders new users. May be selected for. The existing user node c may be selected to edit and add new applications for that user.

Includes the ability to view pages, set up new users, and modify the various options available to existing users. The user may select the notification medium, such as via page, email, or fax. In addition, the user may choose to have different notification media for different types of messages. During initial customer setup, paging and e-mail data is added for each user who is OE configured. This information may be modified after initial setup. The object drawn from the public class is created to represent the message notification screen To modify existing data, the object retrieves existing information and creates fields.

The user may then enter the appropriate fields as desired for the notification method. The OE client application is Ja It is realized by utilizing the va application program and extending the COApp class which is one of the common applications provided and utilized in the present invention. Because the client program is not implemented as an applet, and because the client program utilizes a container frame for customer display window processing purposes, the client program will to some extent, regardless of the browser in which the backplane is deployed.

To run. Interact with the OE server in serving. For example, the attainment process monitors new customers being added to the system and notifies the attainment house accordingly FIG. The Achievement House may then send the appropriate subscription package to the new customer according to the information received from the Achievement Process.

Another process, the arbitration process, may handle the synchronization of data with the mainframe system database and with the databases associated with the individual fulfillment systems. Yet another process, the billing and issuing process, may handle directing billing and issuing information to another billing and issuing stream FIG.

In general, a hierarchy is defined by the customer during the order entry process and describes a subdivision of the calls into nodes arranged in n different trees. The back-end services of the system of the present invention typically create a hierarchy at report time, creating a report as a node-by-node query on a result dataset extracted using any other provided criteria.

Apply the definition to that data. Hierarchical trees have essentially arbitrary complexity, i. an unlimited number of nodes. A call is assigned to each node according to the condition template. These filters may be applied at any node in the tree. Hierarchy categorizes results to this report at this level in the tree, along with selection criteria eg, “Report all calls at these nodes or their descendants” combined with other criteria.

May be applied as both. These rights and hierarchies are defined by the customer workstation May be modified via the OE client application running at. The OE server 39 responds to the request by retrieving the security profile for the requested information, articulating the appropriate transaction response messages, and transmitting them back to the requesting process.

When the OE server 39 detects that the password has expired, the server 39 notifies the customer via the client application to change the password. The changed password is transmitted to the OE server 39 formatted with a message interface such as “change password request”. Upon receiving the message, the server 39 updates the password of the designated user in the user profile stored in the OE database , and Respond to the client with the appropriate return code.

Then, upon receiving the response, the login process may continue its normal course of processing. As briefly mentioned above, The right describes the privilege or usage right of the customer.

It not only describes what applications the customer may access, but also what the customer can do within the scope of that application. In addition, it describes the backend services that the application and customer combination may access.

For example, a customer may be entitled to use or access many applications, and for each application, the customer may have another set of rights. In this way, rights may be granted in two separate sets: That is, for example, a first set of what the customer is allowed to do within the scope of the application, such that the customer may have update access to one particular view and only read-only access to another view, and A second set that specifies which backend services this particular application and customer may access.

Transmits and returns a list of authorized applications that are accessible to existing customers. The backplane uses the list to determine which button on the home page to activate and thus control access to the product. Similarly, an individual backend application server may make requests for rights within its application to designated customers.

For example, the reporting component of the system of the present invention, which is referred to herein as the “WRS” web-based reporting system, which provides its data management application reports to customers, reports to hierarchical data whenever a report needs to be generated.

Make a request. In response, the OE retrieves the corresponding hierarchical data and transmits them in real time to the WRS system as described. The required additional data is typically accessed from the corporate host system The OE server 39 may be implemented as a parallel server that enables simultaneous multiple client connections.

The server 39 listens on a known port, and when a client connects, the server 39 forks a new process to handle the client connection. The server 39 may also implement threads to handle each client connection. As an example, in order to determine which tier product should be searched and return the appropriate information when the “Get Hierarchical List” message is invoked in the client application to invoke a search of the company id list from the server In, a “hierarchical” class containing a Get method may be instantiated.

Another object may be invoked to format the data into a response message and return the message to the client. As another example, when a “get application list” request message is invoked on a client application, an “application” class that encapsulates the interface into a database table not shown with application information is instantiated. In particular, the Get method of this class accesses the application table in the database and returns a list of application code and its description.

Through the OE server, the integrated interface system of the present invention handles a wide variety of key functions for a set of network applications. Each application will henceforth be also referred to as an achievement system having an achievement client and an achievement server. The system of the present invention is a. Handle security and authentication requests from both client and server sides of each fulfillment system as illustrated by -d and These requests are automatically created each time the customer requests the server.

For example, when a customer clicks an icon of a service such as an online invoice from the home page FIG. For example, when the customer clicks the submit button, the backplane or platform verifies that the customer is valid by querying the OE system as shown at Once the customer is authenticated, he is presented with a list of authorized applications.

This list determines, for example, which button representing each application is active and thus controls customer access to products and services. They may access the data directly within the OE to modify customer information and to add or remove subscribed services.

One set contains only deltas, The other contains the complete hierarchy. Notifications are made to the OE when they are available. The OE performs an arbitration process to update the hierarchical file. An example of an output is not only the backplane but also an authentication response to the client side of an individual application such as the reporting system Further, the list of accessible applications for the specified customer is output to the backplane platform via the platform web server The OE also outputs various updated data to the database system associated with a specialized individual application within the set of data management applications.

In addition, the individual fulfillment systems receive messages from the OE regarding modifications achieved by customer interaction. For example, customer hierarchy data is sent by the OE in real time for updated report information. WRS As mentioned herein, the data architecture components of the system of the present invention focus on the presentation of real-time data as well as historical data. It provides client, middle tier services, and application proxy components that allow it to request, specify, customize, schedule, and receive.

As detailed below, WRS reporting system includes the following components and messaging interface. J being sent out of the backplane to enable the display and creation of reports and graphs Those components associated with the inbox client application , which utilize the ava applet FIG.

Server , And those middle tier server components that enable the reporting functionality, including inbox server As described, the OE client and corresponding OE server 39 applications support WRS reporting functionality.

Retrieval of corresponding option data from OE server 39, transmission of report response or message to dispatch server 26, maintenance of report database, And the application that is responsible for managing the metadata used to display the report.

In the preferred embodiment, the RM server uses the G TC to listen passively for connection requests from UI client applications and other backend servers, receive and forward requests and their responses. A client application process wishing to submit a request, eg, Report Requester , connects to RM by providing the port number and host name associated with RM in the request message.

The request message received by the RM server is Converted to “metadata” format and validated by a parser object built into the Report Manager Proxy ‘which services incoming requests from the GUI front end. If an error is found in the metadata input, the RM will return an error message to the requesting client. If the metadata passes the validation test, the request type is determined and the data The standard response will then be retrieved according to the metadata request sent back to the requesting client.

In one embodiment, a back-end domain frame application, known as an ODS server that supports the enterprise’s detailed operational decisions, provides the Report Manager with current data through the Talarian smart message processing interface Further, as shown in FIG. Although not shown in FIG. It should be understood that the reporting data for may be managed. Preferably, a SQL interface is utilized to access the stored procedures used in processing requests and tracking customer reports.

It should be appreciated that each report management function and scheduling function could be performed within a single server. As with the operational data from ODS, the report request is Talar. Published by RS server for a subject that was previously defined on the ian server.

When processing other incoming messages announced by backend servers using Talarian SmartSockets 4. Each message contains the tracking number of the report requested by the achievement server.

The report scheduler interface also allows the user to specify a pager or e-mail account so that an e-mail or pager message can be sent to indicate when the requested report enters the inbox server To do. Is the source of the data downloaded to the client user via. Once the report results are received from the data servers , and other backend or fulfillment servers not shown , the report manager server will send over the socket connection as shown in FIG.

Communicate corresponding report metadata to the inbox server The metadata is inbox server database 2 along with the report results. It will be stored at In this way, if the metadata needs to be modified, it will not connect with the information needed to display the report stored in the inbox.

As mentioned above, OE server 39 and database are repositories of user pick lists and user reporting rights. In particular, it It is shown connected to the inbox server and the report scheduler server The Report Manager does not connect with the OE or store metadata for the OE.

However, it will include the information in the report metadata that tells the report requester client application it needs to get the information eg, selection list from the OE server Preferably, the message for the user in the inbox is of type report, data detail, alarm.

Sorted by report type, then report type, report name, date, and time. The polling thread typically looks for new additions to the list of messages currently displayed on the screen. When the polling thread finds a new addition, the screen display is updated accordingly. It is the determination of rights, which is the defining logical process. In the preferred embodiment, the report request may be performed immediately, periodically, or as a “one-off” to be performed later.

As described herein, the Report Scheduler Service maintains a list of requested reports for a specified user and forwards the actual report request to the appropriate middle tier server at the appropriate time. Additional functionality is provided to allow the customer to manage their inventory, ie reschedule, modify or cancel remove report requests.

It is an applet. Offered through. The report manager uses the metadata used to teach the report requester what a standard report should look like, and the “choice list” options that users have to customize the standard report.

Provide and include access to. It tells the Report Viewer Client how to display the report, what calculations or transformations need to be performed when it is displayed, and what additional customer-facing options the user has while viewing the report.

Used to teach you what you are. It also Includes one common report view by running the GUI applet used for displaying and illustrating report data, including column movement, column suppression, single and multiple selection of columns and rows, spreadsheet data It has spreadsheet management functionality that defines what actions a spreadsheet can perform, including importing and exporting files, printing spreadsheets, and so on.

It also includes dynamic behaviors such as sorting report data, subtotaling report data, etc. It also has report data management functionality by defining what actions can be performed on the data displayed in the spreadsheet.

In addition, the report viewer has functionality that allows the interpretation of metadata and communication with the backplane FIG. The report viewer application also provides report data eg, invoice, etc. to it. Alternatively, it could accept a message instructing to display an image or text that may be passed by one of the applications. At one level, these metadata descriptions act like a catalog of relational databases, describing each row of the result set returned from the middle tier as an ordered collection of columns.

Each column has a data type, a name, a desired display format, etc. The column description information is stored in any object and the entire result set is described by a list of these objects, one for each column, and standard viewers can present the result set in labeled columns. Nesting these descriptions within each other addresses breaks and subtotals at any number of levels. The report requestor icon 95b may be selected, which activates the display of.

Further, in step , the user may select the report format associated with the reporting category. If, according to the user report selection, a report was already created and maintained in the Report Manager database, it will be displayed in the Report Inventory field on the appropriate screen. At step , a determination is made as to whether an existing report from inventory is selected.

If an existing report is not selected, the user may launch a new report according to the customer-facing options that the user is entitled to for the selected report product, category, type, etc. You will be prompted to create. Once an existing report is selected based on report product, category, type, etc. in step , the user is prompted in step to select from the following options. That is, the report editing options as shown in step , in which case the selected report is the steps and 3.

The delete report option, which is deleted at 39, and in that case the existing report, is the copy report option, which is copied for further editing, for example, as shown in steps and All initial values for retrieving metadata, customer-facing options, and GUI builder options from the report manager server needed to build edit a report are submitted according to the user’s rights.

When the user selects the paging notification option, the user is presented with a web page having a customer screen not shown that presents the user to select or enter their page number, PIN number and paging message description. When the e-mail comparison option is selected, the user is presented with a web page having a customer interaction screen not shown that presents the user to select or enter his e-mail address. In particular, as described below, the message created by the report requester in accordance with the user request is first received by the report manager proxy ‘.

For example, parser object tools are utilized to decompose the metadata message sent by the report requester to validate the message. If the metadata passes the validation test, the request type will be determined, and then the appropriate service will be invoked where a standard response is sent to the requesting client.


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