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Getting Started with Cassandra on Windows | DataStax

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Older unsupported versions of Cassandra are archived here. Debian and RedHat package repositories have moved! The actual key may be different, you get it from the error message itself. You can start Cassandra with sudo service cassandra start and stop it with sudo service cassandra stop. However, normally the service will start automatically. For this reason be sure to stop it if you need to make any configuration changes.

Not all versions of Apache Cassandra are available, since building RPMs is a recent addition to the project. Systemd based distributions may require to run systemctl daemon-reload once to make Cassandra available as a systemd service.

This should happen automatically by running the command above. Please note that official RPMs for Apache Cassandra only have been available recently and are not tested thoroughly on all platforms yet. We appreciate your feedback and support and ask you to post details on any issues in the corresponding Jira ticket. Downloading Cassandra. Older Supported Releases The following older Cassandra releases are still supported:.

Verify that Cassandra is running by invoking nodetool status from the command line. Install Cassandra, accepting the gpg key import prompts:. Source Development is done in the Apache Git repository.

To check out a copy:.




May 11,  · Windowsでは図2のように設定します。 図2 CASSANDRA_ HOMEの設定例 データとコミットログの出力先を設定する. 次に、 実際にCassandraを動かした際のデータと . Apache Cassandraとは、米アパッチソフトウェア財団(ASF:Apache Software Foundation)が開発・公開している、オープンソースの分散型データベース管理システム。データベースの主 . Apache Cassandra の取得 Windows サービスへの登録・削除 ≫. Cassandraのセットアップ for Windows ¶. ここでは Windows環境へのCassandraのセットアップ方法を説明 .


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