
Download and install or reinstall Office , Office , or Office .富士通Q&A – [Outlook ] 今まで使用していたメールソフトのデータを移行する方法を教えてください。 – FMVサポート : 富士通パソコン

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What is Excel ? Can you still download Excel ? Excel is a famous spreadsheet developed by Microsoft that is widely used to store, organize, and analyze information. Besides, it can help you to deal with complicated data. In many aspects like finance, banking, sale, etc. Microsoft always keeps releasing new versions of Excel to meet your demands and frequently-used versions are Excel , Excel , Excel , Excel , Excel , and Excel Excel is similar to Excel and compared to this version, it includes some top features to explore like Flash Fill, a new Quick Analysis tool, chart recommendations, Timeline Slicer, new Excel functions, Power Map, Power View, Power Pivot, Inquire add-in, and more.

But if you are interested in Excel , you can choose to install it. Move to the next part to find details. Excel cannot be installed as a standalone app since it is part of Office If you need to download and install Excel , getting Office is required.

According to Microsoft, Office will reach its end of support on April 11, Currently before that date , you can get Excel by installing Office from the official website.

See the steps:. Step 1: Sign in Microsoft account dashboard with your account associated with this version of Office. Step 2: Click Services and subscriptions , find Office and click Install. Step 3: Then, to start the installation, click Run in Internet Explorer or Edge , Setup in Chrome , or Save File in Firefox.

After a few minutes, the process finishes and you can open Excel for use. To download Excel via Office , you can also visit some third-party pages like archive. org to find the download links. Some persons have uploaded the package of Office to this website. You can go to that page, and search for Office bit or bit.

After getting the. zip file, extract all the contents with WinRAR, 7-Zip , WinZip, Bandizip , or any other archive tool and you can get an ISO file. In Windows 10, double-click on this ISO to get a virtual drive, and then double-click on the setup. exe file to start installing Office After finishing the installation, you will get Excel , Word , Outlook , Access , PowerPoint , etc.

If you need it, click the download link to install Office to get Excel In her spare times, she likes shopping, playing games and reading some articles. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit.

About The Author. Vera Follow us. User Comments : Post Comment.


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