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Fxpansion bfd3 vs superior drummer 自由. Please wait while your request is being verified…

8種類のドラム音源比較 Addictive Drums 2 BFD3 SUPERIOR DRUMMER 3 HALion Sonic SE Groove Agent SE Abbey Road Modern Drummer Studio Drummer Conclusion・XLN Audio / Addictive Drums2・FXpansion / BFD3・TOONTRACK / Superior Drummer 3・IK Multimedia / MODO DRUM僕が使用している4機種の ちなみに、後ほど紹介するAddictive Drums 2が一番自由に色んなドラムセットを選択 BFD 3やSuperior Drummer 3に比べるとまだ初心者の方でも使いやすいAddictive
Fxpansion bfd3 vs superior drummer 自由.FXpansion BFD3
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Filtered by:. Previous 1 2 3 template Next. Man You will go no wrong with any of the two options. I like BFD3 more, because of the Expansion packs and the distinct character they have. They do sound different from each other! The Andy Johns pack, Jazz and Funk and the newer stuff, including the Neil Peart, Ken Scott But again for me here these two rule.
i have here Ezdrummer 2, Addictive Drums, Steven Slate SSD4 and Studio Drummer, including the Abbey Road packs packs ,SSD5 Ezdrummer 2, XLN Addictive Drums.
Comment Post Cancel. thanks alot Pim. you rock brother!! I’ve seen and listened to some youtube videos about BFD3, and I am very interested in it at the moment. that said, I was thinking just what you said: either one will be good. if you were me, and you were just gonna buy 1, would you get BFD3? and if yes, which Expansion packs to start? I’m not sure about the comments about the sounds on superior drummer as they are so different between packs you can get.
I have SD2 and three different packs and as a drummer found this the most realistic and best sounding and feeling VST drum instrument. I did try a demo of BFD3 and could barely work it out and found the drum sounds too processed.
I like my drums to sound like real acoustic kits. Other sample libraries don’t have the same amount of samples per hit and velocity level like SD2. By the way I don’t care much for the sounds that come with SD2 so I would definitely go with one of the packs.
Roland TD30 module on TD20 kit SD3 with various kits. Pearl Masters Kit, Yamaha RC original natural wood finish. Cymbals from Zildgian Pasite and Sabian. Loads of percussion bits. Cubase and Wavelab always current versions. Likes 1. thank you mkok.
would you please possibly tell me what a few of your favorite SD2 expansion packs are?? Apart from the overall sound, the round robin and velocity layer count is worth baring in mind when choosing VSTs. thank you very much. Last edited by chasmanian ; , PM. Originally posted by mkok View Post. hey perceval, after a ton more reading, and a lot of watching and listening to youtube videos about both, I am super strongly leaning towards BFD3.
I am sure that I would absolutely love SD 2. but for me and I believe this is very very subjective it all depends on what works for you BFD3 looks more like what I want.
I’ll check out the demo even though it’s crap. but I think I already can tell that its the one I’ll end up buying. my computer is a 1 year old HP notebook with an i7, 8 Gb of RAM, windows 8. does anyone please know if those specs are good enough to use with BFD3?
and with what I’ve read about downloading it, does anyone think it is wise to just order the USB 2. to the man with the HP notebook! Your RAM might be a slight limitation it will depend on your eventual set up.
I’ll have to have a look to see how much velocity variance I get on normal playing. thank you so much. hahahhahaha ok, downloaded the demo. I have made a lot of progress. would someone please tell me if I should be using my Focusrite 6i6 interface? I installed the TD15 drivers. when I tap the drums BFD3 reacts.
I cannot get any sound coming out though. I have tried setting the audio and MIDI preferences, every way I can think of, using the TD15 drivers and the Focusrite drivers. no dice.
no sound. would someone please tell me where to find out how to get this working? I think I’m really close. FYI; Windows system volume will be disabled, so all volume adjustments will be done via your Focusrite or gain in the BFD3 top right corner. thank you for your reply. working fine now. its great. can only guess how awesome the full version is.
Last edited by chasmanian ; , AM. I do like a happy ending. at the risk of sounding like a complete moron, I have used the demo now a lot. then I shut the computer off. then I played my V Expressions Evolution. blown away. I liked it better. don’t really know what to say. I have never heard V Expressions Evolution, and I’m sure it sounds fine. But, if you look at post 4, I mention that the BFD3 demo is crap. It is so limited that it actually gives a bad impression of BFD3. I wonder why they put such a crippled demo, it certainly is not helping in sales, I’m sure.
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