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daniel hwang. This article was originally featured on the KETIV Blog. We’ll cover how to download the latest release from your Autodesk Account Portal, as well as a new simplified way of using the Autodesk’s Desktop Application. It should be noted these new versions are currently only available for active maintenance plan holders and subscription holders. If you fall under either category, you’re able to log in at manage.

com and access the page below:. Navigate to the product you wish to download and click the ‘Download’ button. From here, under ‘Versions,’ you’ll see the option is available. Be sure to check your Operating System and language, then click ‘Install Now.

If you prefer a different method of download, you can also select ‘view all’ for more options we recommend using the ‘Browser Download’ Option. If you went ahead with the ‘Install Now’ option, go ahead and open the. exe file and it will begin installing. For the ‘Browser Download’ option, wait for the download to complete and unzip the downloaded files.

If there is more than one part for the product download, you will have to wait for all the parts to complete before unpacking the files and beginning installation.

With , there’s another option to download and install the latest versions. If you go to the Autodesk Desktop App it should already be on your computer if you have previous versions installed , you can find a window like this.

After logging in, you will see the same products as you would at manage. com located on the left panel. If you navigate to any new product, you will see that a new option has appeared in the Desktop App. This will begin the download and installation from this window.

You can also view the serial numbers from this updated app. For more information on how to access the latest software and tips and tricks on using the software, join the Autodesk Virtual Academy community.

Skip to main content. Knowledge Network. To translate this article, select a language. View Original Translate. English Original X.

View Original X. Products and versions covered Product Design Collection. daniel hwang 8 contributions. REPORT Report this article? CANCEL REPORT. Autodesk Account Portal It should be noted these new versions are currently only available for active maintenance plan holders and subscription holders. com and access the page below: Navigate to the product you wish to download and click the ‘Download’ button.

You will then see a window that looks like this: From here, under ‘Versions,’ you’ll see the option is available. Autodesk Application With , there’s another option to download and install the latest versions. Go ahead and log in with your Autodesk credentials.



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