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Refund overpayment in quickbooks desktop
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in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT), @JHawkins You’re already on the right track in refunding an overpayment to a third party that paid for. Go to the Help menu and select Update QuickBooks Desktop. · Select the Update Now tab. · Click Get Updates to start the download. Option 2: Give a refund · The check is filled out automatically. Select OK. · Link the check to the overpayment. · From the Received from drop-down, select the.
Refund overpayment in quickbooks desktop
Feb 4, · Select XYZ in the Transfer Funds From drop-down and ABC in the Transfer Funds To. Enter the amount, then Save and close. The next step is to create a Check or Expense . Jun 10, · Step 2: Choose how you want to handle the credit Retain as an available credit. QuickBooks enters a negative amount in your Accounts Receivable (A/R) register for the. In the Amount field, enter the amount of the refund. Select the Expense tab. In the Account field, select a Wash account. (Example would be an expense account). In the Amount field, enter .
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