
Windows 10 enterprise enable bitlocker 自由.How to enable bitlocker in Windows 10.

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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The ideal solution for BitLocker management is to eliminate the need for IT administrators to set management policies using tools or other mechanisms by having Windows perform tasks that are more practical to automate.

This vision leverages modern hardware developments. The growth of TPM 2. Windows continues to be the focus for new features and improvements for built-in encryption management, such as automatically enabling encryption on devices that support Modern Standby beginning with Windows 8. Though much Windows BitLocker documentation has been published, customers frequently ask for recommendations and pointers to specific, task-oriented documentation that is both easy to digest and focused on how to deploy and manage BitLocker.

This article links to relevant documentation, products, and services to help answer this and other related frequently asked questions, and also provides BitLocker recommendations for different types of computers. Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring MBAM capabilities will be offered from ConfigMgr in on-prem scenarios in the future. Companies that image their own computers using Configuration Manager can use an existing task sequence to pre-provision BitLocker encryption while in Windows Preinstallation Environment WinPE and can then enable protection.

This can help ensure that computers are encrypted from the start, even before users receive them. As part of the imaging process, a company could also decide to use Configuration Manager to pre-set any desired BitLocker Group Policy.

Enterprises can use Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring MBAM to manage client computers with BitLocker that are domain-joined on-premises until mainstream support ends in July or they can receive extended support until April Thus, over the next few years, a good strategy for enterprises will be to plan and move to cloud-based management for BitLocker.

Refer to the PowerShell examples to see how to store recovery keys in Azure Active Directory Azure AD. Devices joined to Azure AD are managed using Mobile Device Management MDM policy from an MDM solution such as Microsoft Intune.

Without Windows 10, version , or Windows 11, only local administrators can enable BitLocker via Intune policy. Starting with Windows 10, version , or Windows 11, Intune can enable BitLocker for standard users. BitLocker Device Encryption status can be queried from managed machines via the Policy Configuration Settings Provider CSP , which reports on whether BitLocker Device Encryption is enabled on the device. Compliance with BitLocker Device Encryption policy can be a requirement for Conditional Access to services like Exchange Online and SharePoint Online.

Starting with Windows 10 version also known as the Windows Creators Update , or Windows 11, the enablement of BitLocker can be triggered over MDM either by the Policy CSP or the BitLocker CSP. The BitLocker CSP adds policy options that go beyond ensuring that encryption has occurred, and is available on computers that run Windows 11, Windows 10, and on Windows phones. For hardware that is compliant with Modern Standby and HSTI, when using either of these features, BitLocker Device Encryption is automatically turned on whenever the user joins a device to Azure AD.

Azure AD provides a portal where recovery keys are also backed up, so users can retrieve their own recovery key for self-service, if required. For older devices that are not yet encrypted, beginning with Windows 10 version the Windows 10 Creators Update , or Windows 11, admins can use the BitLocker CSP to trigger encryption and store the recovery key in Azure AD.

For Windows PCs and Windows Phones that are enrolled using Connect to work or school account , BitLocker Device Encryption is managed over MDM, the same as devices joined to Azure AD. Servers are often installed, configured, and deployed using PowerShell; therefore, the recommendation is to also use PowerShell to enable BitLocker on a server , ideally as part of the initial setup.

BitLocker is an Optional Component OC in Windows Server; therefore, follow the directions in BitLocker: How to deploy on Windows Server and later to add the BitLocker OC. The Minimal Server Interface is a prerequisite for some of the BitLocker administration tools. On a Server Core installation, you must add the necessary GUI components first. The steps to add shell components to Server Core are described in Using Features on Demand with Updated Systems and Patched Images and How to update local source media to add roles and features.

If you are installing a server manually, such as a stand-alone server, then choosing Server with Desktop Experience is the easiest path because you can avoid performing the steps to add a GUI to Server Core. BitLocker Network Unlock brings together the best of hardware protection, location dependence, and automatic unlock, while in the trusted location. For the configuration steps, see BitLocker: How to enable Network Unlock.

For more information, see the Bitlocker FAQs article and other useful links in Related Articles. For Azure AD-joined computers, including virtual machines, the recovery password should be stored in Azure AD. Example: Use PowerShell to add a recovery password and back it up to Azure AD before enabling BitLocker. For domain-joined computers, including servers, the recovery password should be stored in Active Directory Domain Services AD DS.

Example: Use PowerShell to add a recovery password and back it up to AD DS before enabling BitLocker. Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Management MBAM. Overview of BitLocker Device Encryption in Windows.

BitLocker Group Policy Reference. Microsoft Intune Overview. Configuration Settings Providers Policy CSP: See Security-RequireDeviceEncryption. BitLocker CSP. Windows Server Installation Options. How to update local source media to add roles and features. How to add or remove optional components on Server Core Features on Demand. BitLocker: How to deploy on Windows Server and newer. BitLocker: How to enable Network Unlock. Shielded VMs and Guarded Fabric. BitLocker cmdlets for Windows PowerShell.

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Table of contents. Important Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring MBAM capabilities will be offered from ConfigMgr in on-prem scenarios in the future. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

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Windows 10 enterprise enable bitlocker 自由

Windows 11へのアップグレードを阻止する無償アプリ。電机本舗から 年12月29日. Microsoft Endpoint Manager 管理センターを開きます 。. Windows 11は10と同じWindows Updateポリシーを利用可能. Windows 11正式リリース!気になる新機能をまとめて解説. ライセンスの種類は、いずれも通常、Microsoft E3 または A3 以上のライセンス バンドルに含まれます。 M ライセンスの比較は、 こちら をご覧ください。. Windows スポットライト 既定では、Windows のいくつかのコンシューマー向け機能が有効になっており、選択したストア アプリがインストールされたり、ロック画面にサードパーティのおすすめが表示されたりします。 これは、設定カタログの [エクスペリエンス] セクションで制御できます。. 個人用ストレージについては、 手順 8 – 最適な Microsoft エクスペリエンスの構成の設定 で、OneDrive の Known Folder Move を構成しました。 詳細については、「 既知のフォルダーをリダイレクトする 」をご覧ください。.


チュートリアル – クラウド ネイティブな Windows エンドポイントの使用を始める – Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

BitLocker ドライブ暗号化. Windows Update for Business. リモートデスクトップ. Client Hyper-V. Enterprise Data Protection (EDP). 一般ユーザー(Windows 10 チュートリアル: Microsoft Intuneを使用してクラウドネイティブの Windows エンドポイントを設定して構成する. [アーティクル]; /10/12

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